Thursday, August 25, 2011

Skipping a day...sort of... - Carla

I am skipping a day with respect to the sit ups/push ups/dips challenge, but I definitely didn't skip exercise today! After work I went to the gym and did Zumba (with Ellen) then I did 4.5 miles on the treadmill. I had to stop to get gas on the way home which took FOREVER because EVERYONE NEEDED GAS TONIGHT! By the time I got home and ate dinner it was after 8:00. I rested with the boys for a bit, then decided that the challenge would have to wait another day. I don't feel too bad taking a day off because I know I'll get myself back on track tomorrow - and I'll have all weekend battened down at home with the hurricane to keep myself on it! Also, with the changes to the way I'm doing things (sit ups and dips one day and push ups the next day) I think my days are going to be off anyway, so missing one day isn't that big of a deal!

Maria - Where are you??? I thought you were going to get started again this week???

Exhaustion test for Push ups - Carla

I was only able to complete 40 push ups last night and went to bed feeling pretty crappy as I thought I was going to have to do Week 4 over again. However, after looking at it this morning I see that with that number of push ups I can move on to Week 5! Yippee!!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Exhaustion test for Dips and Sit ups - Carla

I went to the gym this evening for a late-night run on the treadmill. Tonight I did speed intervals – 5 minute warm up, then 10 sets of 2 minutes hard running and 1 minute easy running, then 5 minute cool down. I would have liked the mileage to be more than it was but I feel like I’m running slower and slower every day!!!

Tonight was time for the exhaustion test for sit ups and dips. Here’s how it went:

Sit ups


Week 6, Column 2



Week 6, Column 1

Not really impressed, particularly with the dips. I may have to modify my overall goal for the end of this!

Tomorrow night is the exhaustion test for push ups - can't wait to see how that goes! ;P

Monday, August 22, 2011

Push ups Week 4, Day 3 - Carla

I did Day 3 of Week 4 today, but I'm too tired to write it up...I'll post the details tomorrow...

I went to BodyFlow tonight even though my back was sore all day today. I got to the room right at 6:30 and class was already started! Much later in the evening I completed my push up sets. Felt pretty good, but I wasn’t able to do the “at least” number for the max set…they wanted at least 40 and I wasn’t able to do that!

Push ups (29, 33, 29, 29, Max)

Max set: 30

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dips/Sit ups Week 5, Day 3 - Carla

Late night sets again…and no run or Zumba this morning! (But I did make it to BodyFlow.) I’m not doing very well with this running schedule which does not bode well for the two races I have coming up!

Not much to say about the sets tonight as everything felt pretty good! Here’s how it went down:

Dips (23, 23, 26, 26, 22, 22, 26, Max) and Sit ups (30, 30, 36, 36, 30, 30, 40, Max)

Max sets: Dips – 60 and Sit ups – 80.

Push ups Week 4, Day 2 - Carla

NOTE: Although this is technically being posted on Sunday morning, the set was completed on Saturday night...but just barely!

Apparently my new thing for the push up sets is doing them late at night…almost 11:30 tonight! The boys are spending the night with their cousins tonight so the hubby and I decided we were going to work on purging some toys from the collection. However, after a pleasant dinner at Chick Fil A we decided to go to Kohl’s and Walmart prior to heading home…which led to a later evening than we had planned! Oh well…the toy purge will have to wait for another day! Also, I didn't make it to the gym this morning and I didn't get a run in today. I MUST do better in the coming weeks!

Here’s what happened tonight!

Push ups (25, 29, 25, 25, Max)

Max set: 36

I felt pretty good after the first set – it seemed to be the worst one! Even the final, longer set didn’t seem as bad as the first one! Good progress, if I do say so myself! J

Friday, August 19, 2011

Dips/Sit ups Week 5, Day 2 - Carla

Good night tonight!!! I made it to Zumba (with Ellen, not Bev) then I did 30 minutes on the treadmill and came home to do my dips/sit ups challenge. The boys wanted to do them with me which was very cute, but their counting threw off my counts – I may have actually done more than I needed to do!!! But I feel great and am ready for the rest of the weekend to be as active as it started!

Here’s what happened with the sets:

Dips (23, 23, 26, 26, 18, 18, 20, Max) and Sit ups (30, 30, 36, 36, 27, 27, 33, Max)

Max sets: Dips – 78 and Sit ups – 55.