Saturday, July 30, 2011

Week 5, Day 2--Maria

Wow.  I missed a day.  I was at J's parent's house in York, PA.  It's really hard to do this while you are traveling.  Which is a little scary, because next week (Week 6!) I will be in the Outer Banks with J's family in a beach house all week with about 12 other people.  Yikes.  We will see how that goes.

As for today, I drove about 4 hours and did this as soon as I got home.  It was not fun but I feel like I have to keep going because I am getting so close!  Holy crap there are 8 sets for each now!!!!

Push Ups: 18, 18, 20, 20, 14, 14, 16, max
Sit Ups: 30, 30, 36, 36, 27, 27, 33, max
Dips: 23, 23, 26, 26, 18, 18, 20, max

Max Push Ups: 42
Max Sit Ups: 78
Max Dips: 53

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Week 5, Day 1--Maria

I can't wait until this is over!  Two more weeks to go!  I have a lot less motivation lately.  ugh.

Week 5, Day 1 Sets:

Push Ups: 28, 35, 25, 22, max
Sit Ups: 54, 60, 45, 36, max
Dips: 36, 45, 32, 28, max

Max Push Ups: 40
Max Sit Ups: 68
Max Dips: 45

Going to BodyStep tonight! woo-hoo!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Exhaustion Test #2--Maria

I meant to do this yesterday and forgot.  Whoops.  I just got back from Zumba with Angie and it was sooo much fun!  This is my end-of-week-4-exhaustion-test.

Max Push Ups: 36
Max Sit Ups: 67
Max Dips: 47

Two more weeks to go!

Week 5, Day 1 - Carla

I actually did the circuit last night but snuggling with the boys beat out posting it when we got home from VBS so I'm posting it today instead!

Okay, so I am a little bit behind again as I forgot to do my circuit the other day. But I’m back to it and ready to go! I went to the gym tonight to do BodyFlow, however classes were cancelled due to the weather. After doing 10 illegal flip-flop minutes of walking on the treadmill with one of my classmates I headed back over to church where the boys were doing VBS and did my circuit with my brother in the hallway. My brother hung in there and was able to complete most of the sets (minus one) even though this is the first time he’s done my circuit – nice job, bro!

My sets were as follows: Push ups (17, 19, 15, 15, Max), Sit ups (54, 60, 35, 36, Max), Dips (36, 45, 32, 28, Max). My max sets were as follows: Push ups – 21, Sit ups – 90 (because I had to keep up with my brother!), and Dips – 50. The circuit went well (it was nice having someone else work with me) and I felt great at the end of it!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Week 4, Day 3--Maria

My workout week went pretty well.  The only thing I missed was BodyPump on Thursday due to scheduling issues.  BUT I did use hand weights at home and did some arm and shoulder workouts instead!  Everything else went according to plan!  I am at the end of Week 4!  I am feeling pretty good about what I actually can do compared to 4 weeks ago, but 100 push ups still seems like a stretch!  We will see :-)

Push Ups: 23, 28, 23, 23, max
Sit Ups: 45, 50, 45, 45, max
Dips: 30, 36, 30, 30, max

Max Push Ups: 35
Sit Ups Max: 68
Dips Max: 43

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Exhaustion Test, Week 4 - Carla

It's time for another exhaustion test! I am a little bit off with my days as I missed a day in there, but I'm keeping on track as best I can! I did my exhaustion test tonight. I actually did the push ups twice because I thought I could do more than I did the first time. Here is how I did:

Push ups - 24 then 30
Sit ups - 90
Dips - 50

I feel pretty good about how far I've progressed. I know I still have some work to go to meet the full goal, but I'm on my way there! :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Week 4, Day 2--Maria

I have continued to eat fruits and veggies with every meal!  Yesterday I went to Zumba TWICE(!) and did the adductor and abductor machines.  So, overall, I have been sticking to my goal for this week.  And, actually, I have increased my workout past the initial goal so far!  Go me :-)  Tonight I am going to BodyStep!

Week 4, Day 2:

Push Ups: 20, 25, 20, 20, max
Sit Ups: 38, 45, 38, 38, max
Dips: 26, 32, 26, 26, max

Push Ups Max: 30
Sit Ups Max: 59
Dips Max: 40

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Week 4, Day 3 - Carla

I went to BodyFlow last night and planned on doing my circuit after I got home from the church softball game, however I didn’t realize that I wouldn’t be getting home until well after 11:30 pm. Given the late time I got home, I decided to modify my week to do my circuit on Tuesday instead of Monday which is going to make it so I have to modify my days from here on out. Not a problem…I can be flexible!

Today is my oldest son’s 8th birthday so we are on for some yummy yet not quite nutritious food today (and Saturday, too, as that is when his birthday party is). He is currently doing a four day soccer program being held at a local church, so off we went this morning. Instead of holding off on my circuit, I decided to do it while I was sitting with my youngest at the playground equipment. I’m sure some of the other people around were wondering what I was doing, but I didn’t care – the circuit must be done!!!!

My sets for today were as follows: Push ups (16, 18, 13, 13, Max), Sit ups (45, 50, 45, 45, Max), Dips (30, 36, 30, 30, Max). My max sets were as follows: Push ups – 21, Sit ups – 65, and Dips – 45. The circuit felt good today even though it was warm and humid out. I had a decent sweat going on, which was made worse by a 5-year-old hugging on me! (I wouldn’t trade that for the world, though!)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Week 4, Day 1--Maria

UPDATE!  I went to BodyStep AND BodyPump today.  I officially thought I would die, but I made it through.  And now is push up time!

I had my spinach and fruit shake for breakfast and vegetables in all other meals :-)

Push Ups: 18, 22, 16, 16, max
Sit Ups: 32, 38, 32, 32, max
Dips: 23, 28, 20, 20, max

Push Ups Max: 25
Sit Ups Max: 51
Dips Max: 33

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My Weekly Goal

I am feeling guilty and very lethargic lately.  It's crazy what happens to your body if you treat it like crap for 3 days.  So I decided to make an exercise/diet goal for this week.  This is probably the best place to write it down.  Plus, Carla can yell at me if I don't live up to it.

Workout Schedule for this Week:
Monday: 9:15 BodyStep AND 10:15 BodyPump AND circuit
Tuesday: 10:30am Zumba, Adductor and Abductor machines
Wednesday: 5:30 BodyStep and possibly 6:30 BodyFlow AND circuit
Thursday: Run on treadmill and 6:30 BodyPump
Friday: 9:15 BodyStep and circuit and depending on how the day goes, 6:00 Zumba

Eating plans for the week:
-Eat at least one serving of fruit or vegetable with every meal
-Eat only my fruit/spinach shakes for breakfast
-Do not drink any alcohol whatsoever

Let's see if I can actually do it.  I don't know, but I have a feeling that if I put my mind to it, I can do it.  Also, Carla, you should try BodyStep with me this week.  It's the best cardio workout I have found other than KickBoxing and Zumba!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Week 4, Day 2 - Carla

Okay, so I forgot to do my circuit yesterday. (Thank you, Maria, for not bugging me about that!) Rob and I went to see the last Harry Potter movie at midnight on Thursday night/Friday morning which made for a tired day yesterday. Then after work (and my youngest son’s last day at daycare) we attended the School Readiness Fair to get my youngest ready for the thought of school. We got home late and started watching the first Harry Potter movie as that was what my oldest wanted to watch. Long story short, I ended up falling asleep while watching the movie and completely forgot about doing my circuit. So I did it today instead.

My oldest son and I went for a short walk this afternoon before church. When we got home from church we ordered pizza from Papa John's which was going to arrive in 45 minutes. It was perfect weather for a run, so I laced up and went out for a 35-minute run! Felt pretty good, even if I was a little slow! :)

My sets for today were as follows: Push ups (14, 16, 12, 12, Max), Sit ups (38, 45, 38, 38, Max), Dips (26, 32, 26, 26, Max). My max sets were as follows: Push ups – 20, Sit ups – 58, and Dips – 40.

Week 3, Day 3--Maria

I feel much better today.  Thank you, God!

Last day of week three and I have got a lot of push ups ahead of me.  Wish me luck!

Push ups: 16, 21, 15, 15, max
Sit ups: 33, 42, 30, 30, max
Dips: 21, 27, 19, 19, max

Push Ups Max: 21
Sit Ups Max: 58
Dips Max: 29

I did it!

We have had company the past few days and I haven't been exercising a healthy lifestyle (pizza, tacos, margaritas, doughnuts, etc).  I need to get back on the wagon.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Have You Ever...

...woken up and felt so much like crap that your joints ache?  That day is today for me.  Not exactly sure why... maybe it was the margaritas last night?  Maybe not.

I tried to do the push ups and I am not joking when I say that I couldn't even do one.  I am that weak.  I will try again tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Week 4, Day 1 - Carla

I split my circuit up today. I headed over to the gym around 5:30 with the boys so I could get a run in on the treadmill before I did my circuit and went to BodyFlow. By the time we got out of the house and I got the boys settled into the Kid Zone at the gym I knew I wasn’t going to have time to do everything I wanted. I knew I NEEDED to run on the treadmill as I have been VERY bad about getting my runs in so that was my first stop. I barely made it through my half hour…I need to get working if I’m going to keep up with my friend at camp in a few weeks! I had time to do my push ups and sit ups before BodyFlow, so I went ahead and did them. After BodyFlow I went home for dinner and some snuggles with the boys before finishing up with my dips. Long story short, it all got done eventually!

Here are my sets for Week 4, Day 1: Push ups (12, 14, 11, 10, Max), Sit ups (32, 38, 32, 32, Max), Dips (23, 28, 20, 20, Max). My max sets were as follows: Push ups – 17, Sit ups – 50, and Dips – 34.

Week 3, Day 2--Maria

Yesterday I went to the beach.  Bad choice.  The heat index was about 110.  Seriously.  I had little energy, though I had plans to go on a run later that day.  Well, it was too hot so I went to the gym and hit the treadmill.  I did 3.1 miles, but form mile 2.5 to 3.1 I decided to power walk on an incline increasing from 5 to 10.  This isn't something I typically do, but I really enjoyed it, so I will probably try it again!  Then I did the crotch-master (aka abductor and adductor) machines.  Today is my circuit and I plan to try BodyStep again tonight!

Push Ups: 14, 19, 14, 14, max
Sit Ups: 30, 38, 23, 23, max
Dips: 18, 24, 18, 18, max

Push Ups Max: 21
Sit Ups Max: 43
Dips Max: 24

I feel GREAT about the push ups.  I never thought I would be able to do that many, but I am going to keep working hard.  The dips are where I seem to have the most trouble.  My poor arms are so weak, no matter what I do!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Week 3, Day 3 - Carla

Although I’m not posting my results until late today, I actually did complete my circuit last night before bed. My son, B, decided he wanted to do it with me…although he was distracted during Sets 1 and 2 and only completed Set 3 with me before giving up! Do they have a challenge like this designed for kids who can’t stay focused long enough and get tired quickly???

I am enjoying this process, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to get to the goal number of each activity by the end of six weeks. We’ll just have to follow this through to see, won’t we? J

Week 3, Day 3 sets: Push ups (11, 13, 9, 9, Max), Sit ups – 33, 42, 30, 30, Max), Dips (21, 27, 19, 19, Max).

My circuit took 21 minutes to complete. My max sets were as follows: Push ups – 14, Sit ups – 50, and Dips – 28.

By the way...the end of Fitness Weekend was a bust! I didn't make it to the gym on Sunday morning then spent the day at my parents sitting around the pool drinking wine and floating around - not active at all! Oh well - the rest of the weekend went well, at least! :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 3, Day 1--Maria

I know it's not my day to do my circuit, but I am feeling a little behind because I missed last Friday and figured why not?!  I went to BodyStep for the first time today!  It was with Angie and I think I burned off about 25 lbs or more.  But seriously, it was a workout!  The choreography was tricky, though! I felt like an uncoordinated nerd the majority of the time, but I think I will get better if I continue to go :-)  Then I went to BodyPump afterward.  I went to the bathroom during the chest track so as not to mess up with my push ups and I went light on the tricep track as well.  Here goes Week 3!

Push Ups: 12, 17, 13, 13, max
Sit Ups: 21, 27, 21, 21, max
Dips: 15, 22, 17, 17, max

Max Push Ups: 18
Max Sit Ups: 36
Max Dips: 24

I am hoping to make it to Zumba tomorrow morning!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Exhaustion Test--Maria

Here are the results of my End-of-Week-Two-Exhaustion-Test.  AND I am impressed and really proud myself!!!  I never thought I could do it, but I can actually do a lot of push ups now!

Push Ups: 22!!!
Sit Ups: 46
Dips: 27

I am really excited to get on with Week 3, even though I see a scary number of push ups ahead!

Then tonight I went to the gym with Josh.  I did 20 minutes on the elliptical and speed walked on incline 10 on the treadmill for one mile.  Then I did the adductor and abductor machines for the first time!  You know, the ones that work the inner and outer thighs.  It was kind of fun!  I think I am going to make a habit of it :-)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Week 2, Day 3-Maria

Yesterday I completely forgot about my circuit until I got to Zumba (which was so much fun!).  But I had a problem.  I invited K over for dinner right afterward.  K teaches P.E. at my school.  And then A, another teacher, invited K and I over to play cards and hang out.  I thought, "Well, I will do my circuit when I get home tonight".  Yeah, well... K drove me and apparently, when you don't drive, you don't get a say in when you leave.  So I didn't get home until after 2am(!) and I am doing my circuit now.  And since I didn't go to sleep til' super late, I wasn't ready for kickboxing by 10:30.

Good story, huh?

Here goes my last day of Week 2!

Push Ups: 12, 13, 10, 10, max
Sit Ups: 24, 25, 21, 21, max
Dips: 20, 21, 16, 16, max

Max Push ups: 15 (barely!)
Max Sit ups: 43
Max Dips: 26

Week 3, Day 2 - Carla and Fitness Weekend, Part Two

I didn’t make it out for a run this morning, but I did go to Kickboxing at the gym. Great workout this morning – I was DRENCHED by the time I left! I thought about doing my circuit right after while at the gym, but I wasn’t really feeling it because we always do some core work at the end of the Kickboxing class. Instead of doing my circuits I drove home and had a small slice of the zucchini spice bread we made last night to get me going again!

Week 3, Day 2 sets: Push ups (10, 12, 8, 8, Max), Sit ups (30, 38, 23, 23, Max), Dips (18, 24, 18, 18, Max).

My max sets were as follows: Push ups – 13, Sit ups – 42, and Dips – 26.

I feel like I’m making some good progress in all three areas! I know my arms are feeling it!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Fitness Weekend, Part One

Keeping fit over the weekend is the best thing you can do, right??? So today/tonight started the weekend of fitness for me. At lunch I went for a 30 minute "run" (which was about 2/3 running and 1/3 walking as I haven't been doing much running lately) then tonight I went to Zumba where I saw Maria! Great class with an awesome body wasn't able to move the way it was supposed to, but I had a good time anyway! Hopefully I'll be able to get another run in tomorrow morning before Kickboxing class and my circuit! We'll see how it goes!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Week 3, Day 1 - Carla

Okay, so I fell asleep with B in his bed last night and didn’t get a chance to do my first day of Week 3 yesterday. Guess this week is off a little bit already, eh??? (Thank you, Maria, for not yelling at me yet!)

Here are my sets for Week 3, Day 1: Push ups (10, 12, 7, 7, Max), Sit ups (21, 27, 21, 21, Max), Dips (15, 22, 17, 17, Max).

I felt strong as I started, which is always a good sign. Tonight’s circuit was hard work but it felt great. My max sets were as follows: Push ups – 12, Sit ups – 35, and Dips – 25.

I did BodyFlow last night (the new release) and my legs are feeling it today! Hopefully I’ll have a workout-filled weekend (Zumba, Kickboxing, BodyFlow, running, circuits) to keep me on track! Also, I signed up for a 10K in Ontario for when I am up there later this summer – can’t wait for that!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Week 2, Day 2--Maria

It's my birthday!  I woke up, went on a run with my best friend from college who is visiting, had bacon and eggs for breakfast from J, had grilled chicken salads for lunch that J also made, key lime pie for dessert (a birthday tradition), and watched some TV and lounged.  I am planning on going out for sushi and then drinking wine and hanging out with my hubby.  YAY!

Here was my circuit today:

Push ups: 10, 12, 9, 9, max
Sit ups: 21, 24, 18, 18, max
Dips: 16, 20, 15, 15, max

Max push ups: 14
Max sit ups:  53 (WHOA!)
Max dips: 24

The plan is to hit bodypump tomorrow and go on a run in the morning!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Exhaustion Test, Week 2 - Carla

Tonight it was time to do my second exhaustion test to determine what my circuits are going to look like for the next two weeks. I was a little nervous about doing this, so I put it off until just a few minutes ago. Here are my test results:

Push ups - 20!!!!!
Sit ups - 50
Dips - 30
Squats - too many to count (I think I was bored [and distracted by children] when I did my first test for the squats. I can basically do 200, so I'm dropping this from my circuit.)

I've worked out my circuits for the next two weeks and I'm a little scared...there are A LOT of push ups in there! But I know I'll do my best with it and try to keep up with the program! Two weeks down, hopefully only four more weeks to go! :)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Independence Day Bike Trail

Remember how I was sad for not working out the past few days while traveling?  Well, my uncle called today and asked if I wanted to go on a bike ride.  We rode the Allegheny Highlands Trail alongside the railroad tracks from Frostburg, MD to Cumberland, MD.  A whopping 18 miles!!!  Ouch.  I am in pain.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Week 2, Day 3 - Carla

Week 2, Day 3 Sets: Push ups (12, 13, 10, 10, Max), Sit ups (24, 25, 21, 21, Max), Dips (20, 21, 16, 16, Max), Squats (22, 22, 19, 19, Max)

Today was the end of week 2!!!!! I went to the gym this morning for Zumba and BodyFlow then I did my circuit after that. By the end I was HURTING, but I managed to get through it! Ready for some pool action and a ball game later tonight! I need to get a good, long run in today but it is VERY HUMID out so I don't think it's going to happen...maybe tomorrow in the early morning??? (Ha - NOT LIKELY!!!)

My circuit took 21 minutes to complete. My max sets were as follows: Push ups – 15 (but it was painful!), Sit ups – 35, Dips – 26, and Squats – 30.

Week 2, Day 1--Maria

Whoops.  Guess what I did?  I forgot to wake up early.  Then I thought, "It's ok.  I will do them tomorrow and just catch back up in my circuit".  Whoops.  Then I had a few too many cookies and cranberry and vodkas at the wedding, stayed up practically all night dancing, woke up early and drove for 4 hours to visit my mom.  Needless to say, I crashed when I got here.

But I am back!  I am in my mom's computer room and I am jumping back on my push up challenge! 

Week 2, Day 1

Push ups: 9, 11, 8, 8, max
Sit ups: 21, 21, 15, 15, max
Dips: 18, 18, 13, 13, max

Max push ups: 11
Max sit ups: 31
Max dips: 22

Since I have been out of town, I haven't been exercising at all!  Maybe I will go on a run tomorrow?  Maybe not.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Week 2, Day 2 - Carla

Week 2, Day 2 Sets: Push ups (10, 12, 9, 9, Max), Sit ups (21, 24, 18, 18, Max), Dips (16, 20, 15, 15, Max), Squats (19, 22, 16, 16, Max)

Day 2 of Week 2…the thought of doing ANY push-ups was a bit overwhelming for me! But I managed to eke out my sets. I had some difficulty with the max set – I had to push it to get to 13! My circuit was about 21 minutes today.

My max sets were as follows: Push ups – 13, Sit ups – 30, Dips – 22, and Squats – 30.

I stayed at the gym for Zumba after my circuit – I really like that class! What a way to get a Friday night going! Movie night tonight at home with my boys…let’s hear it for “Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel.”