Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Week 5, Day 1--Maria

I can't wait until this is over!  Two more weeks to go!  I have a lot less motivation lately.  ugh.

Week 5, Day 1 Sets:

Push Ups: 28, 35, 25, 22, max
Sit Ups: 54, 60, 45, 36, max
Dips: 36, 45, 32, 28, max

Max Push Ups: 40
Max Sit Ups: 68
Max Dips: 45

Going to BodyStep tonight! woo-hoo!

1 comment:

  1. I'm very unmotivated much so that I forgot to do my circuit both last night and tonight. I'm way off on day 2 of week 5 - I hope I'll be able to get it in tomorrow but we will be spending most of the day in the car so we'll see!
