Sunday, July 17, 2011

My Weekly Goal

I am feeling guilty and very lethargic lately.  It's crazy what happens to your body if you treat it like crap for 3 days.  So I decided to make an exercise/diet goal for this week.  This is probably the best place to write it down.  Plus, Carla can yell at me if I don't live up to it.

Workout Schedule for this Week:
Monday: 9:15 BodyStep AND 10:15 BodyPump AND circuit
Tuesday: 10:30am Zumba, Adductor and Abductor machines
Wednesday: 5:30 BodyStep and possibly 6:30 BodyFlow AND circuit
Thursday: Run on treadmill and 6:30 BodyPump
Friday: 9:15 BodyStep and circuit and depending on how the day goes, 6:00 Zumba

Eating plans for the week:
-Eat at least one serving of fruit or vegetable with every meal
-Eat only my fruit/spinach shakes for breakfast
-Do not drink any alcohol whatsoever

Let's see if I can actually do it.  I don't know, but I have a feeling that if I put my mind to it, I can do it.  Also, Carla, you should try BodyStep with me this week.  It's the best cardio workout I have found other than KickBoxing and Zumba!


  1. NO ALCOHOL???? Are you crazy???

    Good plan! I need a kick in the butt about my running, so maybe I need to post a plan on here for you to keep me accountable about that!

  2. About the alcohol thing... I only drank two nights in the last week. But I combined it with crappy eating. So I felt terrible altogether. I need a detox.

  3. I usually only have alcohol once a week, but the two Sundays prior to this weekend were bad for me! I was good this week though - only one glass of wine out by the pool! :)
